Success begins with preparation.
Getting objective, detailed feedback, and how to’s from an experienced music professional leads to opportunity…
Want to know if you’re music and talent is ready?
You THINK you have a HIT song. What do you do now? What can you do to spread your music, grow your fan base, and/or get heard by music industry professionals? CLICK HERE for a detailed custom evaluation of your music and to be considered one of our other features. Be a part of the ANRGIRL Music Community.
Why AnRGirl?
Holly “AnRGirl” has 35 years of experience artists in identifying Platinum Worldwide talent, signing artists to major labels as a Major Label A&R Executive at both Atlantic Records and Capitol Records as well as negotiating multi-platinum major and indie label deals, distribution deals, connecting artists with shows, publishing deals, airplay, press, booking agents, managers, and song placements in film/tv/games.
We use our industry knowledge and connections to give you guidance, accountability and position you for success!
Request an introductory 10 minute consultation now!
- Run through an initial check list of what you should be doing to build your music career from 35 year A&R and music business expert Holly Hutchison.
- Set a 10 minute consultation zoom call with Holly “AnRGirl” Hutchison.
- Learn what you need to do to build your brand and promote your music.
- Need professional studio mix or would like to be connected to a producer for a production evaluation? It starts here connecting with AnRGirl.
- Work your way in to opportunities to network with world class music industry pros and established artists to grow your music and brand. It starts with networking right here with AnRGirl with an introductory call.
**If you are purchasing more than one Telephone Consultation, they cannot be scheduled consecutively and the subsequent Telephone Consultation(s) must be scheduled for a separate date(s). All sales are final. No refunds. **